Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Day We Were Adopted by Strangers...

     Tonight isn't an assigned blog post for us, but we wanted to make a quick post about our incredible evening at Weinstube Maulaffenbach restaurant. We found the restaurant on "Yelp" while we were roaming the local German bookstore. Before entering the restaurant we looked at the outside menu hoping we would be able to order good food despite the menu being in German. When our waiter, Ulrike sat us down he handed us English menus so we knew that we were off to a good start. After ordering drinks and our main course we chatted about the days adventures. We noticed right away a group of 6 ladies sitting behind us who were laughing and enjoying each others company. Sam asked Ulrike if he could tell the ladies that we thought they were amazing and that we aspired to be just like them when we were older. To our surprise, a few of the ladies spoke English very well and they sparked up a conversation with us. We asked them if we could go outside and take a picture so we can remember this event. After the picture Bridgette, asked us if they could adopt us. It was the cutest, most amazing question we have ever been asked! Kara, Libby, and Sam got business cards from a few of the ladies and we were all told that if we ever found our way back to Germany to let them know and they would take care of us. We all plan on keeping in touch with our German grandmothers! It was such a simple gesture but one that meant the world to each of us and we will never forget this experience!
All of us with Ulrike

Our German Grandmothers!

-Kara Gardner, Samantha Belanger, Kaylee Brown, Autumn Little, Alison Payne and Libby Smith

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